About Us

Who We Are
In November of 1997 eXigent Information Solutions, LLC was founded. From the beginning, we aimed to help midsized and growing oil and gas companies thrive in their industry. This goal could only be realized through the elimination of the costly problems created by most information systems.
For this reason, the eXigent team used their expertise in Microsoft Visual Studio and the Office Suite of Applications to develop more advanced, efficient programs that streamline accounting and data tracking for the oil and gas industry.
Through our advanced software, transparent solutions, and trusted customer service, we aim to elevate the productivity of your oil and gas company.
It took time, creativity, and a dedication to security in order pioneer the GPIS system. With our system, you can integrate everyday tools like Microsoft Visual Studio, Microsoft Excel, and SQL servers to accomplish complicated producer settlement and allocation processes efficiently.

Download Our Free WhitePaper:
5 Ways Digital Technology Can Help Oil & Gas Companies
Our WhitePaper will break down the benefits of digital technology to the oil and gas industry.
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